The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu


Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi.

He lives deep in the forest with his dog named Si Tumang and his son named Sangkuriang. At first they lived happily.

One day, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to hunt deer in the forest with Tumang to accompany him.

However, in Sangkuriang he did not succeed in getting any deer prey, so he was very nervous and decided to kill Tumang and bring his heart to his mother. den reasoned that Tumang fell into the abyss.

Dayang Sumbi, knowing that what she was carrying was not deer's liver, then became angry and threw Sangkuriang out of the house.

Several years later, Sangkuriang grew into a handsome and dashing young man. He accidentally met Dayang Sumbi and fell in love, without knowing that she was his mother.

Dayang Sumbi knew that the man was her son, Dayang Sumbi finally rejected Sangkuriang's proposal.

Dayang Sumbi then gave very heavy conditions, namely damming the Citarum river and making a big boat in the middle of the dam in a short time.

Because it didn't finish on time, Sangkuriang got angry and kicked the boat until it became Mount Tangkuban Prau.

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